Truffy is ready to go!

"Hi! My name is Truffy and I just wanted to tell you how much I love my celltei carrier. My mom keeps it on the floor right next to the front door so it’s easily accessible for one of our exciting trips! Whenever I see that beloved carrier I jump right in and roll around and then wait expectantly for my mom to take me somewhere adventurous! Just last month my mom took me in my carrier on an airplane! It was very thrilling for me. I enjoyed looking at all the people rushing past my mom and I in the terminal. A little dog like me could get stepped on in that rush. Luckily I am safe and sound in my little carrier! On line at the ticket counter people can’t help themselves and peep through the mesh to see what is inside this cute little grey denim carrier. Are they ever surprised and delighted to see my big black eyes peeking back at them. Though I sure love being a jet setting pup my favorite recurring trip is to the local park. All my mom has to do is say, “Park!” and I run and jump into that carrier faster than a bullet, I can’t wait to play with all my doggy friends! Well, gotta go. I hear my mom calling me. I wonder what adventure my celltei carrier and I will go on next!" ...Faigee S.
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